Station 22



Fire Station 22 is a two bay Fire Station at 3541 NE North Shore Road Belfair, WA 98528, past Belfair State Park. This station was built in 1980, on a small piece of land owned by Mason County. In 1980, the Fire Authority entered a cooperative arrangement with Mason County Public Works in which Fire Authority services were exchanged for a 35-year lease of the land. The original lease expired in 2015, but was renewed for an additional 20 years.

Fire Station 22 is an all-volunteer fire station that only provides housing for two Authority vehicles, one fire engine and one water tender. Station 22 is the busiest of the Authority’s volunteer Fire Stations, providing primary response coverage to Northshore Road, View Crest, Beards/Lynch Coves and Mission Creek.


Fire Station 22
3541 NE North Shore Rd
Belfair, WA 98528