**EFFECTIVE 1100 AM on July 11, 2024**
By Proclamation by the State Commissioner of Public Lands and Mason County Fire Marshal, effective immediately, on all lands in Mason County, all outdoor burning, including campfires and charcoal briquettes, are restricted through September 30, 2024. This date may be shortened or extended depending on fire conditions. Please note these restrictions do not apply to pizza ovens, smokers, propane fire pits, or propane bar-b-ques. This ban is prompted by multiple wildfires that are actively burning across the state. Your cooperation in keeping Mason County fire safe is appreciated.
For further information, please contact the Mason County Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-427-9670 ext. 352 or Mason County Fire Marshal’s website. DNR South Puget Sound Region at 360-825-1631 or Mason County Burn Ban Information Line at (360) 427-7799.
You can also review our educational brochure for additional information by clicking HERE.
Recreational Outdoor Burning
Burn Barrels are ILLEGAL in any form of outdoor burning in Washington State.
- A written permit is not required for a recreational fire.
- Recreational fires are NOT TO BE USED FOR DEBRIS DISPOSAL. Use only firewood and/or charcoal briquettes.
- Maximum fire pile size is three (3) feet in diameter. At no time shall any burning material protrude pass the perimeter of the fire pit.
- A minimum ten (10) foot firebreak must be constructed around each fire with a twenty (20) foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches.
- Fire shall be in a metal or concrete fire pit, such as those typically found in designated campgrounds.
- Only one fire at a time per parcel or campsite.
- Fire must be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any structure or combustible material.
- The fire must not create a nuisance from smoke, obscure visibility on public roads, or endanger life and property.
- A person, water, and equipment capable of extinguishing the fire shall be in constant attendance at the site while burning.
- No burning when winds exceed five (5) miles per hour (MPH).
If you live within the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA), there is a permanent burn ban in effect. Click the link below to see if you are within the UGA:
Residential Outdoor Burning
Burn Barrels are ILLEGAL in any form of outdoor burning in Washington State.
- A written permit is not required for residential burning.
- Maximum pile size is four (4) feet in diameter.
- A minimum ten (10) foot firebreak must be constructed around each pile with a twenty (20) foot vertical clearance from overhanging branches.
- Only one fire at a time per parcel.
- Burn pile must be at least twenty five (25) feet from any structure or combustible material. Materials to be burned shall not be moved from one site to another. All materials must originate from the property on which the burning is to occur.
- The fire must not create a nuisance from smoke
- No residential fire is to be commenced before dawn and no material is to be added after dusk.
- A person and equipment capable of extinguishing the fire must be in constant attendance at the site while burning.
Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to:
Garbage, plastic, cardboard, paper*, construction/demolition debris including all types of lumber, dead animals, asphalt, petroleum products, paints, rubber, metal or any substance that releases toxic emissions, dense smoke and/or obnoxious odors when burned.
*A limited amount of paper is allowed for fire-starting, but no more may be added after the fire has been ignited.
Land Clearing Burning: A written permit is required for land clearing and agricultural burning. You may apply for these permits at the Mason County Permit Center. For additional information regarding land clearing burning, refer to the Mason County Fire Marshal website.