The North Mason Regional Fire Authority is governed by a five-member Board of Fire Commissioners. Fire Commissioners are elected by the public and oversee the administration, finance, and policy development associated with the Fire Authority.
Meet Your Fire Authority Commissioners

Position 1: Term: 2020-2025
Commissioner Kelley McIntosh
Kelley was initially appointed to the Board of Fire Commissioners in 2000 when the Board expanded from three to five Commissioners. She was elected to the Board in 2001.
Kelley serves as the president of the Mason County Fire Commissioners Association and represented the Fire Commissioners Association on the MACECOM Board from 2009 to 2014. She has lived in Mason County for more than 35 years, including 25 years in Belfair. She has been active in the community as well as other public service positions.
Kelley is currently employed with Thurston County Pretrial Services. She graduated from high school in Shelton and went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s in Public Administration.

Position 2: Term: 2024-2028
Commissioner John Inch
John was born and raised in Kitsap County and moved to the North Mason area in 2017. John has been involved in emergency response since 2000 in various volunteer positions and served with Kitsap County Dept of Emergency Management, Disaster Preparedness programming for schools, and both NUWAIX 15 and Cascadia Rising County-wide Exercises. John has experience in mudslides, floods, ice, snow, rain, and windstorms. John has been a diesel & gas mechanic and heavy equipment operator for over 40 years.
Shortly after moving to Mason County, John became involved with North Mason Regional Fire as part of the CRT Program, participating in emergency response for aid, fire, accidents, and search & rescue. John enjoys volunteering in community events such as Tahuya Days, Salmon Bake, and seasonal events at the HUB.

Position 3: Term 2024-2028
Commissioner Dan Kewish
Born in North Dakota, Dan moved to North Mason when he was a young boy and has been a resident of the area for over 30 years. Following high school, he served in the National Guard as a mechanic for 24 years. In the late 1990s, Dan began volunteering with his local fire department (formerly Mason County Fire District 8), where he also served as a Fire Commissioner prior to the formation of the Fire Authority. He manages the company North Shore Landscaping.
Dan is active in his community and enjoys helping out at events, including Tahuya Day and the annual Salmon Bake. He is also the president of his neighborhood road maintenance committee. Dan is married and has five wonderful children. He and his family enjoy hiking and trips to the ocean.

Position 4: Term 2022-2027
Commissioner Paul Severson
Paul was raised in Seabeck and moved to the North Mason area 21 years ago. Paul was appointed as Fire Commissioner in 2014, to fill a vacancy within the Mason County Fire District 2. He was elected to the North Mason Fire Authority in 2016. Paul became a Firefighter at age 16 in 1975, starting in the residency program for Kitsap County Fire District 1. He worked his way up the chain of command to Captain, in charge of the Seabeck fire station.
Paul worked for the University of Washington fisheries research while in high school. He has also worked in heavy construction and logging over the years, including Simpson Timber at Camp Grisdale, building roads in the Olympic Mountains. He was previously the owner of Simpson Hauling and Peninsula Paving and has 16 years of law enforcement service with Kitsap County. Currently, Paul is the General Manager/Project Manager for Northern Asphalt in Kingston. He is an FAA-certified A&P (airframe and power plant) mechanic in aircraft maintenance and is also a certified NRA Range Officer.

Position 5: Term 2022-2027
Commissioner Bob Miller
Commissioner Miller is a retired Naval Officer with 23 years of engineering experience. He has served in numerous firefighting positions, including damage control training teams, where he taught firefighting techniques and engineering casualty control. During his last sea duty tour, he was ordered to one of the Navy’s Super Class Aircraft Carriers as the Ship’s Fire Marshal. He was born and raised in Seattle and is married with three grown children and four grandchildren. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Real Estate Studies with a concentration in sustainable development, as well as a Green MBA with a focus on sustainability.
As a business owner invested in real estate properties, he understands the value of having adequate fire protection services. He is honored to have the opportunity to serve the citizens of North Mason County and looks forward to continued engagement with the community.
To reach your Fire Commissioners, please contact:
Angie McCormick-Executive Assistant, by email or by calling at 360-275-6711.
Board of Commissioners Meetings
The Fire Authority’s Board of Commissioners holds regularly scheduled meetings on the second and third Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. Meetings are held at the Belfair Fire Station 21 (490 NE Old Belfair Highway, Belfair WA 98528). The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Additional Information
For Commissioner meeting materials, Citizen’s Advisory Committee meeting schedule and minutes, the Fire Authority’s Strategic Plan and Budget, as well as Interlocal Agreements, click on the links below:
Commissioner Meeting Materials